My Commit Workflow

Committing work was never something I gave much thought. It was a necessary step from development to production. That's it. Over time I've learned that, like many things involving git, committing is a subtle art. In this post I want to share a simple workflow I use in most JavaScript projects to keep my commits clean and safe.

At the heart of this workflow is the idea that staged code, or code ready to be committed, requires some analysis. How you do this depends on the language you work with, but the strategies are similar.

My strategy is to lint, format, and test staged code before committing. In JavaScript land, the tools I use for this are eslint, prettier, and jest, respectively.

In TypeScript projects you can substitute tslint in place of eslint.

Analyzing staged code

The key is to run the tools mentioned above only on code that is being committed. This requires two more tools - husky and lint-staged. They provide a ton of value with little effort to configure.


yarn add husky -D

husky makes it easy for you to run scripts on git hooks. The hook I use most is pre-commit. Here's how to configure it:

  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "npm run <something>"

Now, when running git commit, npm run <something> will run first. The command can be anything. In my case I want to run a command that lints, formats, and tests only staged code. But how can I target staged code?


yarn add lint-staged -D

lint-staged is the tool that lets you do that. It will run commands on staged files. You can also target specific files: .js, .css, .ts, etc:

  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.js": ["eslint", "jest --findRelatedTests"],
    "./**/*.{js,json,css,md}": ["prettier --write", "git add"]

There is some nuance when using prettier and eslint together. If you're not aware of this, things can get annoying. I use eslint-config-prettier to prevent conflicts.

Notice that now I'm telling husky to run lint-staged on the pre-commit hook. In turn, lint-staged will run two commands:

  1. eslint && jest --findRelatedTests on any staged .js files.
  2. prettier --write && git add on any staged .js, .json, .css, and .md files.

If any of the commands above result in an error, I will not be able to proceed with the commit. This is the benefit.


The majority of projects can get by with the configuration shown here. I've created a GitHub repo so that you can play around with the workflow. Familiarize yourself with how these tools work together. If you have any suggestions/improvements please feel free to open up a PR.

Jake Wiesler

Hey! 👋 I'm Jake

Thanks for reading! I write about software and building on the Web. Learn more about me here.

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